Disc bedding-in procedure


PFC slotted discEnsure that the brake discs are clean and free of grease or other contaminants. Once the discs and pads are installed perform the following procedure with brake cooling ducts fully open and functional – no tape! Best results are achieved using new PFC brake pads. It is not necessary to bed in new PFC discs with used PFC pads.

1) On the first lap, perform several snubs with progressively higher pedal pressure and braking force and from higher speeds. You will feel the effectiveness of the brakes increase with each successive snub. This should take six to ten brake snubs per lap and is typically completed in one or two laps. As soon as the brakes become firm and responsive the car can be driven normally and at increased speeds.

2) Running the car at speed for one or two more laps will allow the disc to achieve the desired core temperature. If three-colour rotor paints are used, the green paint should be fully oxidised and the orange paint beginning to oxidise to white. A transfer layer of pad material will deposit on the disc; this is the slate-grey coloration on the disc friction surface. This is a good indication that the disc and pads have been bedded properly.

Note: When using discs from manufacturers other than PFC it will be necessary to allow the discs to cool to ambient temperature to achieve satisfactory disc life and performance. PFC discs do not need this cool down period, due to extensive heat-treating processes at the time of manufacture.